
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When Someone You Know Catches You Bringing Back A Fat Chick

Everyone gets caught. It's inevitable. Whether you're stealing or skipping class or drunk and horny and trying to fuck a fat chick or dude, everyone gets caught eventually.
I was going through another dry spell after Dalia from my previous post decided to transfer to a different school due to money issues the next semester. So there I was, horny as fuck, and looking for anything and everything with a hole in it to have sex with.
Now usually I have pretty average standards. But when I drink, and I'm horny and going through a vaginal activity drought, my standards can take a nose dive. I was at a party, dancing with many good prospects, but one by one they left the party as the night went on. It was getting late and this pretty chubby girl was eyeing me from across the room. So I said fuck it, I'll dance with her, I need something to get me through the next month. So we dance and you know it's bad and that she's clearly thirsty as well. She immediately starts grabbing my cock through my pants and tries to make out with me. The crowds thinning out in the party so I give in and make out with her since hardly anyone is left to notice. Again I knew she was way thirstier than I was because after the first song ended she said that we should leave and go back to my place. I said alright and we headed back home.
Now I'm trying to be smart about this. It's late, but it isn't THAT late. People are still out and about, wandering home or if they're lucky, to someone else's home. And here I am walking back with a chubby girl who doesn't have much going for her besides a round booty and long dirty blonde hair. My strategy is unfortunately simple due to my current mental state and intoxication level. I try to walk in front of her and distance myself and have her follow me instead of the usual routine of me holding her hand and keeping her with me the entire way.
It doesn't work and fails miserably.
"My feet hurt." She says. "Can you hold my sandals for a minute?"
"Uhh, Yeah sure give them here." I said. While my mind is screaming "FUCK! This bitch can't even walk!"
So now I'm carrying her shoes and despite her lack of subtlety, it actually doesn't seem too obvious that we're going to the same place.
But as you could expect. She finds a way to make it much more difficult. She tries to keep a conversation going. I try to dissuade her from talking by replying with short responses. "Where are we going?"
 "My place."
"Is your roommate there?"
"Can I sleep over?"
"I don't know."
This goes on until we finally make it into my building. I can see the fucking finish line!! But then it happens. The shit hits the fan and everything goes to hell. One of my teammates walks down the hall. He sees me, he sees her, and then he sees me carrying her shoes.
You know its bad and you're fucked when he starts the conversation laughing.
"Where are you two lovelies going?"
"Oh we're just gonna go hangout for awhile, one of her friends is picking her up soon." I lie.
"Ahh okay. Be sure to use a rubber big guy." He says to me then runs off laughing.

I already know I'm fucked. So I deal with it. I bring her into my room and fuck her brains out. Without a condom just to spite him for calling me out. It was just the right place at the wrong time. I fucked her doggy style so hard she couldn't stand up for another 20 minutes after we finished. Then she went home.
The next day of course half the damn athletics department knew about it. No matter though. I was in a drought. I ended it. So what if I took the easy way out and fucked a big girl. I regretted it immediately afterwards and for the next couple weeks but then I got over it. Especially when I caught the friend that caught me having sex with an even uglier girl the very next weekend. I however, was a good guy and didn't tell anyone....except a few people.

I hope you enjoyed this tale about my unfortunate encounter with a fat chick and getting caught with her. Sooner or later the thirst always wins, and sometimes we're stuck with no better options. If you liked this post please +1 and Follow me. If you have any questions, comments or concerns post them down below.

Who do you regret having sex with the most? What did they look like?

~ The Panty Raider

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