
Thursday, April 3, 2014

When Asking Someone Out

Hello ladies and gents, this post is all about the tricks and challenges of asking one of our love interests out on a first date. Simple enough right? For some of us it is seamless and can be done without much thought. For others like me, we can be kept up all night thinking of new fresh ways to do so.

Let me start this post off strong by saying No Movies. When you're going out on a first date, it's a very bad idea to try to go to see a movie. Why? Because you're supposed to be getting to know each other. To feel each other out and learn some new things about one another that you didn't know before the start of the date. So what if you're a pimp ass man and you opt to pay for her ticket?! So what if you're covered in swag and buy an extra large popcorn for the two of you to share? You will still come out of the theater knowing exactly what you did when you went in. Damn near nothing. You might pick up something useless like, "oh she hates scary movies". Or "oh he really likes dry humor." Well good job ladies and gents, you just spent 2+ hours learning one new thing about the person you are trying to commit to.

Here are some things that you can do for your first date: If going out to dinner is too overused and abused for you, you can do a two person activity. Go to a theme park, though this might spell trouble if you are not coordinated enough to play games and such. If you have good conversation skills, go on a walk somewhere or take her on a long drive to a new fancy store. The possibilities are endless. Basically it comes down to this: if you want to have fun and try something new, your partner will find a way to make it fun. He or she most likely wants this relationship to work out or at least not be deathly awkward, so if you commit fully to it and positively, you're almost guaranteed to have a good time.

For men, be decisive. Know what you want to do and where you're going. Don't sit around thinking of what you want to try out next. Have a game plan already in store and take her along for the ride. Show her a good time. Don't sit around guessing. Even if you don't know what's good or what's not. Pick something and stick to it. If it sucks, move on to you're next choice. The worst thing you can do is sit around trying to figure things out or having to ask other people for their opinions.

For women, feel free to carry on the conversation. Especially for those men who suck at talking. Dominate the whole conversation if you have to, just make sure to stop and listen when he talks to you. There are no such things as awkward silences unless they are mid conversation. It is 100% okay to not talk for 5 minutes while you are traveling somewhere or eating or whatever the case may be. Feeling like you always have to keep things moving is a bad idea. Sometimes its even better to just slow things down and dial back, which I fully realize is contradictory to what I said earlier about dominating the conversation. Don't just talk about yourself. Talk about him, talk about where you are and what you two are doing. There's always something to talk about trust me.

I hope that you found these tips to be at least mildly helpful. Feel free to +1 and follow me if you would like to see more content like this because I will be posting very often. Please leave any comments, questions, or concerns below and I will get back to you!

~ The Panty Raider

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